Discrete News

Discrete News is an unofficial news source.
It is live, so to listen, and to take part you’ve got to subscribe by sending a email to: assistant@kadist.org
Be advised that you will be informed with a only a couple of days notice before each session, as each engagement of Discrete News will convene unpredictably around the appearance of an impromptu « reporter » in Paris. Neither experts on the particular event to be discussed, nor professional journalists, « reporters » will be speaking from different disciplines. The edge being that they have personally observed or actively taken part in one of the many occupations, protests, or manifestations happening around the world.
For Discrete News, invited guests will narrate a specific uprising from their own experience and then improvise an assessment of the complex consequences of the event from their own field of interest. Each report will last approximately 20 minutes so that the remaining 40 minutes of the hour can be dedicated to an open discussion. Discrete News emphasizes the potential of oral accounts -of over-meditated event- to stir discussion and promotes the use of everyday language to address political issues. The furthering of methods of self-education and the creation of strategies to unleash the complexities of each event discussed are at the heart of these conversation sessions that will be held during lunch hour at Kadist-Office, starting promptly at 1pm.
The first invited guest will be the artist Francisca Benitez (http://franciscabenitez.org/) improvising as reporter on Occupy Wallstreet.
Conceived by Camila Marambio.
Event at 1 pm
Sandwiches and drinks will be served.