Fading in our arms, or a flower burning a thousand times (video)
Fading in our arms, or a flower burning a thousand times is a performative reading by curator and writer Alejandro Alonso Díaz, followed by a reading of Comment sortir du monde, by writer Marouane Bakhti, and a conversation between both.
What is left to us when our idea of vitality is so intimately determined by the materiality of energy? In our extreme present of destruction, Fading in our arms, or a flower burning a thousand times weaves together multiple voices, sounds and poetic references, to trace the intersecting narratives of material dispossession, spiritual energies and flaming desires. If desire is an ambiguous force which both detaches itself from the material limitations of life, while being subjected to them, how can we embed such immaterial forces in the material transformation of the world? In Diaz’s lecture, these ideas will unfold as a somatic prelude that will be further formulated by a reading of desires that want to emerge at any cost as appear in Bakhti’s Comment sortir du monde.
Video, Editing & Camera : Vincent Peugnet
Production : Pierre-Antoine Lalande & Alexia Demars