Haig Aivazian residency
Haig Aivazian est artiste et auteur.
Né en 1980 à Beyrouth, Liban, il est aujourd’hui basé à Beyrouth.
Il est en résidence à Kadist de mars à juin 2017.
Usant des mediums performance, vidéo, dessin, installation et sculpture, son travail entremêle récits personnels et géopolitiques, micro et macro narrations, dans une recherche des failles idéologiques et des courts-circuits.
Son travail a été exposé internationalement, comme Wavy is the Sea of Bolis… performance conçue pour la Biennale d’Istanbul (2015), Hastayim Yas?iyorum (I am Sick but I am Living) exposition pour le pavillon Arménien décerné Lion d’or à la Biennale de Venise (2015). La première étape de son projet en cours FUGERE fut présentée lors de la 9e édition de la Biennale de Sharjah (2009), quand une autre étape fut présentée au Musée d’art Moderne de Varsovie (2015).
Le travail vidéo d’Aivazian a été présenté dans plusieurs expositions et festivals dont Mercer Union, Toronto (2011), Art Dubai (2012), FiDMarseille (2012), Videobrasil Southern Panoramas (2013) et le Los Angeles Municipal Museum [LAMAG] (2014).
Il a réalisé des performances prenant la forme de lectures à Home Works, Beyrouth (2012), Akademie der Kunste der Welt, Cologne, Asia Society, New York (2015), et a eu des expositions personnelles à la galerie Sfeir-Semler Gallery à Hamburg (2016 et 2013) et Parisian Laundry à Montreal (2011).
Parmi les expositions dont il est le commissaire: Roads Were Open /Roads Were Closed à The Third Line, Dubai (2008) et plus récemment, il a également été commissaire associé de la Biennale de Sharjah 10 (2011) intitulée Plot for a Biennial.
Aivazian a écrit pour différentes publications dont Afterall Journal, Manifesta Journal, FUSE, AdBusters, lbraaz, Bidoun, AMCA (Association for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey), Makhzin, Arab Studies journal et dans bien d’autres catalogues d’expositions.
Aivazian a enseigné à l’American University de Beyrouth et a été artiste en résidence du programme Home Works 6 d’Ashkal Alwan pour l’année 2015-2016.
Haig Aivazian is an artist and a writer.
He is in residency at Kadist from March to June 2017.
Born in 1980 in Beirut, Lebanon, Haig Aivazian is currently based in Beirut.
Using performance, video, drawing, installation and sculpture, his work weaves together personal and geopolitical, micro and macro narratives in its search for ideological loopholes and short circuits.
His work has been exhibited internationally, including Wavy is the Sea of Bolis… performed at the Istanbul Biennial (2015), Hastayim Yas?iyorum (I am Sick but I am Living) exhibited in the Golden Lion winning Armenian National Pavilion of the Venice Biennale (2015). A part of FUGERE, was commissioned for Sharjah Biennial 9 (2009) while other parts were shown in the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (2015).
Aivazian’s video works have been included in several exhibitions and festivals including Mercer Union, Toronto (2011), Art Dubai (2012), FiDMarseille (2012), Videobrasil’s Southern Panoramas (2013) and the Los Angeles Municipal Museum [LAMAG] (2014). He has performed his lectures in Home Works, Beirut (2012), Akademie der Kunste der Welt, Cologne, Asia Society, New York (2015) and has had solo shows in Sfeir-Semler Gallery in Hamburg (2016 and 2013) and Parisian Laundry in Montreal (2011).
Among his curated exhibitions are: Roads Were Open /Roads Were Closed at The Third Line, Dubai (2008) and Plot for a Biennial, Sharjah Biennial 10 (2011), of which he was Associate Curator.
Aivazian has written for a number of publications including Afterall Journal, Manifesta Journal, FUSE, AdBusters, lbraaz, Bidoun, AMCA (Association for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey), Makhzin, and The Arab Studies journal as well as several exhibition catalogues.
Aivazian has taught in the American University of Beirut and was the 2015-2016 Resident Artist at the Ashkal Alwan Home Works Programme.