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Ketchup Sessions

KADIST is hosting a monthly series of ‘catch-up’ sessions, with short saucy presentations by artists around the world—artists that we’ve been following but haven’t visited in a while. Each session is hosted by a different international curator, served up via Zoom, and streamed via YouTube. We’ll sit down with 20 artists over the course of the year, celebrating KADIST’s 20th anniversary.

No. 1
Dread Scott & Daniela Ortiz
May 26, 2021
The two artists discuss their long-lasting commitments for anti-racial struggles and practices involving the public space from different geographic and historical perspectives. Hosted by Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez and Emilie Villez.
Click here for more information

No. 2
Marina Rosenfeld & Samson Young
July 15, 2021
The artists share their inspirations for their works combining sound, word, and silence to probe larger questions about our relationships to the intangible yet integral components of art and daily life. Hosted by Philippe Pirotte.
Click here for more information

No. 3
Tuan Andrew Nguyen & Pratchaya Phinthong
August 25, 2021
Pratchaya Phinthong and Tuan Andrew Nguyen discuss a shared interest in the malleability of history, politics of display, and collaboration. Hosted by Zoe Butt. Co-presented with The Factory, Vietnam.
Click here for more information

No. 4
Brook Andrew & Mariana Castillo Deball
September 29, 2021
Brook Andrew and Mariana Castillo Deball discuss a shared interest in historical objects and the role in which our physical and material past play in the construction of our histories and identities. Brief presentations about current work and ideas is followed by an informal dialogue moderated by Ivan Muñiz Reed.
Click here for more information

No. 5

Ana Vaz & Beatriz Santiago Muñoz
Thursday, October 28, 11 am PDT | 3 pm BST
Ana Vaz and Beatriz Santiago Muñoz dissolve the division between experimental and ethnographic film to explore the interplay between written language, performance, and moving images. They discuss their approach to filmmaking as a self-implicating and speculative tool to rework cultural histories and sociopolitical frameworks of specific contexts. Hosted by Fernanda Brenner and in partnership with Pivô, São Paulo

Click here for more information

No. 6
Adriana Bustos & Cian Dayrit on Counter-Cartographies

Available to view from December 9, 2021, 12 pm PST
Artists Adriana Bustos and Cian Dayrit propose “counter-cartographies” in which drawing, as information, appears as vocabulary to unpack historical processes of exclusion in Latin America and the Philippines respectively. This Ketchup session maps such complexities through humor, feminist historiographies, punk aesthetics, and vernacular vocabularies. Hosted by Inti Guerrero.
Alan Page Arriaga & Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa on Fact, Fiction, Myth, and History
Thursday, December 16, 2021, 6 pm PST
Alan Page Arriaga and Naufus Ramírez Figueroa touch upon the ways in which story and memory interweave. Their conversation will deal with performance and role-playing as strategies to reconcile narratives and strengthen the political formations where historical actors and fictitious characters, tangible facts, and mythic tales collide. Hosted by Magalí Arriola.