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San Francisco

Marcelo Cidade, Somewhere, Elsewhere, Anywhere, Nowhere

For this exhibition Cidade has excavated the top layer of existing concrete from 450 Hayes Street, a past section of the Central freeway, current parking lot, and future condominium development site. The cut shape mirrors the exact floorplan of the Kadist gallery, where the exhumed concrete material has been relocated to fill every square inch of the gallery space. Through this concrete graft, Cidade inextricably links the city with the artwork. Cidade’s installation observes while it also inscribes an entropic building situation within this specific place in the city, and simultaneously, any place in any city. What was once a freeway destabilized during the 1989 earthquake, is now empty parking lot awaiting imminent demolition, and will soon transform into a new construction. And just as the lot was once defined by not being located anywhere else, so now it becomes repositioned and displaced at Kadist, at once somewhere, elsewhere, anywhere, and nowhere.

See Marcelo speak about previous works here: vimeo.com/89155962