The Song of the Hands - Performance

Drinks at 7pm, performance at 7:30pm
The Song of the Hands is a performance by Julie Béna, originally created in collaboration with Adrien Vescovi. The performance tells the story of ‘Dan and Nad’, in the ambiance of a temporary speakeasy. The artist invites you to enjoy the disparition of the North and the South over a ‘Lemon Car’ cocktail, which will be served between 7 and 7:30pm. At 7:30pm while the artist speaks from the script, another performer creates a spontaneous drawing, mapping thoughts in relation to the spoken text. The performance deals with translation from the verbal to the graphic realm, and its poetic use of language invokes the absurdities of orienting oneself, whether personally or geographically.
In collaboration with Arash Fayez
“French artist Julie Béna’s works deal with this threshold between one perception and another; between being a player or a spoilsport, participation or abstinence. In fact, Béna refers to the exhibition space her “playground,” which she populates with performers, singers, sculptures, photos, videos and installations…Béna’s works are often disguised as everyday objects, and the viewer sees them twice: once as banal, and again as an object animated by its proposal to exist an artwork.”
– Linda Mai Green