Sur Journal & Tradición vs. Modernidad launch

Wednesday, December 10
Drinks at 6pm, event at 7pm
Kadist launches two new publications from Mexico City-based Guayaba Press, each a collaboration between SF-based Kristina Lee Podesva and DF-based Rodrigo Ortiz Monasterio.
Sur is a contemporary art magazine premised on aesthetics of encounter, specifically between the writing, art, and ideas expressed in Mexican culture in relation to discourses, philosophies, and art generated elsewhere. Issue 1 departs from the concept of a player piano and specifically addresses certain fragments of the life and work of experimental composer Conlon Nancarrow (1912-1997) and his collaboration with Mexican modern architect and muralist Juan O’Gorman. Contributors include Céline Condorelli, Mariana Castillo Deball, Jürgen Hocker, Rodrigo Ortiz Monasterio, Mario Garcia Torres, and Alex Waterman.
Tradición vs. Modernidad examines the legacy of Enrique del Moral, one of Mexico’s premier modern architects, through artist project commissions, critical texts, and an English translation of one of del Moral’s lectures. The project features original content from the del Moral’s archive, whose estate is housed at the Archivo Diseño y Arquitectura. Includes texts by Marwa Arsanios, Mariana Castillo Deball, Jorge Méndez Blake, Rodrigo Ortiz Monasterio, Kristina Lee Podesva, Pia Rönicke, and Sandra Rozental.
Both publications are bilingual, published in Spanish and English.