Talk with Daniel McClean

Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 7 pm at Kadist Art Foundation.
Daniel McClean is leading two practices in parallel, one as a lawyer and the other as an independent curator.
Both activities led him to work with artists in the development of contracts, as a lawyer defining the limits and rules of an artwork in relationship to ownership and secondly, as a producer of projects in which the artist’s contract defines the creative framework. In 2008, Daniel McClean and Lisa Rosendahl initiated ‘Offer and Exchange: Sites of Negotiation in Contemporary Art’, an ongoing series of site-specific commissions inviting artists to use legal contracts in relation to different contexts : the commercial gallery, the corporate collection, the art fair the public institution, the private collection, the auction house, the art magazine. In this framework, Daniel McClean has been collaborating with artists such as Carey Young, Santiago Sierra, Robert Barry/Stefan Bruggemann, Goldin + Senneby and Superflex.
Through different ‘cases studies’ Daniel McClean will draft a history of the artist’s contract being both used through conceptual art and institutional critique and how his two activities overlap and nourish each other in this subject.
This talk was also conceived in relation to the two projects following the programme: ‘The Siren’s Stage’ by Etienne Chambaud and Vincent Normand (April 2010) and Goldin+Senneby’s solo exhibition (June 2010).