The Library of John Waters

“Nothing is more important than an unread library,” notes John Waters in his recent autobiography Role Models (2010). Ranging from his own publishing endeavors, such as his screenplays of films like Pink Flamingos and Multiple Maniacs, to books from his personal library, Kadist SF featured selections from the bibliophilic John Waters throughout the Spring season.
Waters is the author of multiple books: Shock Value (2005), Crackpot (2003), Pink Flamingos and Other Trash (2005), Hairspray, Female Trouble and Multiple Maniacs (2005), and Art: A Sex Book (co-written with art critic Bruce Hainley, 2003). And since the early 1990s, an artist making photo-based artwork and installations, with collection catalogs such as Director’s Cut (1997), John Waters: Change of Life (2004), and Unwatchable (2006).