Kwan Sheung Chi
A Flags-Raising-Lowering Ceremony at my home’s clothes drying rack

A Flags-Raising-Lowering Ceremony at my home’s cloths drying rack by Kwan Sheung Chi was realized in the year of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. The artist asked his parents to perform a flags-raising-lowering ceremony on their home’s cloths drying rack, with the HKSAR regional flag, and the flags of PRC and The UK. Artist Lee Kit hand-painted the HKSAR regional flag following the detail instructions in “The State’s Standards of The People’s Republic of China, GB16689-1996”, issued by The State Authority of Technical Monitoring. The national anthem of the associated flag was played or suddenly paused while the corresponding flag was raised or lowered. Both audio and visual image create in A Flags-Raising-Lowering Ceremony at my home’s cloths drying rack a reflection on the ambiguity toward the future of Hong Kong.