Jesús "Bubu" Negrón
Cancha Abierta (Yellow Series)

The series of drawings Cancha Abierta (Yellow Series) derive from a project in which Jesús ‘Bubu’ Negrón worked with the community of El Rosario, located in the region of Beni, Bolivia, approximately 500 meters away from the Mamoré River. Due to a major flood that affected the vicinity–the largest recorded to date–the location had been practically buried under mud. One of the most distressed areas was the basketball court, which was buried underneath three feet of mud. Taking into consideration the site’s context, Negrón organized an “archeological” excavation to dig out half of the court. After working for four days with the help of the community and other invited artists from the ‘Abubuya’ workshop, where the artist was in residence, they were able to remove most of the accumulated sludge. When the project was finished, the community organized the first basketball game, and through that simple act, the court was restored. This series of drawings serve as narrative depictions and records of this project.