Tanatchai Bandasak
Central Region

Central Region by Tanatchai Bandasak is a meditation on materiality and time-based media centres on the mysterious, prehistoric ‘standing stones’ of Hintang in Northern Laos: little-studied megaliths which have survived thousands of years of political change and the cataclysmic carpet-bombing of Laos by the United States during the Cold War. In Bandasak’s unpretentious, animist portrait of the ruins, what is remarkable is the absence of the embodied observer, instead, it is the technical parsing of the digital video camera that enlivens these prodigiously still, mute and enduring objects, through a chanceless sequence of static shots, dissolving measure and revealing gradual modulations of light. The piece evokes a spectral landscape energised by the undead and the nonhuman, opening up contemporary philosophical questions via seemingly ageless and inert artifacts.