Etel Adnan and Lynn Marie Kirby
Collaborative Mt. Tamalpais Drawings #4

In conjunction with KADIST’s 2017 exhibition If Not Apollo, the Breeze, artist and filmmaker Lynn Marie Kirby performed Transmissions, a video and live reading created with longtime collaborator Etel Adnan. Inspired by time spent together in Paris, the piece incorporated open-ended conversation about the oracle, Mount Tamalpais (a subject of long-standing fascination for Adnan and the subject of hundreds of works), and a suite of collaborative drawings. The drawings, made in India ink and created spontaneously, are remarkable evidence of two lives, minds, and hands in dialogue. Executed simply and without fuss, they cut to the core of memory and mark-making across time. Though Adnan, 93, is not able to physically travel, the works represent a wandering–if homebound–spirit.