Anna Boghiguian
The Consciousness of Memory, Time and Guilt

As in many of Anna Boghiguian’s recent works, in The Consciousness of Memory, Time, and Guilt the body is fragmented. The brain, the ear, the eyes, these body parts that put us in relation with the other and link the visible to the invisible, remain isolated. Whereas the skulls are joined by lines evoking rivers. She often used images of the Ganga and of the Nile, two rivers burdened with history. The words “consciousness, memory, guilt, time, collective” create a new level of connections. One can notice an ear, which could link to the inside and the outside of the body while referring to the aspect of sound, the noise of the world we are part of. Anna Boghighian constructs an eminently personal space inhabited by her story but nevertheless aware of the world and the transformations and mutations at stake.