Walead Beshty
FedEx Large Kraft Box 2004 FEDEX 155143, trk#875468976062, FedEx International Priority, London-San Francisco, trk#777001529227, August 16-18, 2016

Walead Beshty, FedEx Large Kraft Box 2004 FEDEX 155143, trk#875468976062, FedEx International Priority, London-San Francisco, trk#777001529227, August 16-18, 2016, 2011.
Constructed out of metal or glass to mirror the size of FedEx shipping boxes, and to fit securely inside, Beshty’s FedEx works are then shipped, accruing cracks, chips, scrapes, and bruises along the way to their destination. Displayed with the cardboard boxes (and their shipping labels, which chart the journey in a different way) that contain them during the journey, these damaged forms draw from minimalist sculpture, and conceptual artworks that focused on distance, travel, and virtual connections
Artist and writer Walead Beshty examines the processes of his own multidisciplinary (though primarily photographic) work’s production, linking these processes to global issues including human migration,displacement, and technology. His works, oftentimes visually abstracted, argue for their own production as a process of transformation, emphasizing an expansive array of actions and methods through which art can be structurally transformed or produced. In this way, by examining the matrix of production surrounding his individual artworks, Beshty’s introspection also expands outward onto a complex field of vectors connecting actions, subjects, structures, and forms.
Beshty explores the limitations and possibilities of his mediums, which include photography, light, metal, glass, cardboard, and, often, distance. Often striking in their visual presence, his work reflects the movement of images and objects, both in a literal sense and in terms of the way that ideas and materials are circulated and exchanged. They also convey another narrative: the history and the processes that construct both the world and his art.