Kate Mitchell
In Time

In Time is a 24-hour video in which the artist rests, hangs, and clings onto the minute hand of a large clock, 4 x 4 meters in diameter, arduously counting out a full 24-hour cycle so that the video becomes a functional time-keeping device. In standing in for and becoming time, Mitchell ultimately examines its essence as it passes before her. Dressed in blue work overalls, Mitchell appears like a maintenance or quality-control worker, ensuring every moment is up to muster. The paradox: even if it is deemed to not be up to scratch, a re-wind to re-live is impossible. The moment has already passed. Time continues, regardless of whether it is approved of or not. Through Kate Mitchell’s absurd examination of time, we are reminded to be attentive to its ever-constant passing; how we spend our days is how we spend our lives.
Kate Mitchell's work addresses everyday worries; time, money, work and the future. For the artist the idea of art as work and the artist as both manager and worker is important. Her videos document the artist working tirelessly to achieve seemingly reckless and unattainable tasks. While there is a comic quality in her work, the actions make us think about the limits of what is acceptable and normal.