Manuel Correa
La Forma del Presente (The Shape of Now)

La Forma del Presente (The Shape of Now) presents the difficulties of writing history in order to achieve peace and reconciliation. It portrays the lived experiences of different social spheres invested peacekeeping: while scientists, academics and activists attempt to find possible routes to normalize a war-torn society, a group of elderly mothers find a direct way to approach the possible killers of their disappeared children, forging a necessary and genuine encounter in the attempt to find clues about their whereabouts. La Forma del Presente (The Shape of Now) is an account of their search for closure and an ambitious reflection on remembering the past after war’s end.
Manuel Correa made the film during, and in response to, the signing of the peace deal between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP guerrilla faction. Although the number of atrocities is too impossible to account for or present, it is estimated over two-hundred thousand people have perished in the war and over twenty-five thousand people disappeared by force. After the peace deal was in limbo, after it was rejected by popular vote, the government chose to implement the agreements regardless, further polarizing the public opinion. For many, amnesty and impunity seemed high prices to pay for potential peace. While several survivors in the film forgive the murders of their closest family members, the film asks how can a deeply divided society actually forgive and forget?