Pedro Reyes
Los Mutantes

Los Mutantes by Pedro Reyes is composed of 170 plates that combine characters from ancient and modern mythologies. As in a periodic table, animals and objects are combined with humans (male or female), providing a rational framework for the irrational products of human imagination. A Cartesian matrix such as this must follow certain rules. All figures are half-human, half-something. Animal/cartoon characters that speak, such as Fritz the Cat or Donald Duck, are excluded, as well as oddities and chimeras without recognizable human features. Their arrangement results in combinations such as fish plus woman equals mermaid; bull plus man equals minotaur, and so on. The juxtapositions cross figures from pop culture with those from ancient myths, encouraging us to notice similarities between religious icons and comic-book characters. All of these “mutants” reveal something about our desire to extract qualities of animals or objects and empower ourselves with them. Mythologies are a reflection of the paradigms of their time, and this kind of periodic table presents a rational framework to categorize irrational products of the imagination.