Laure Prouvost
Monteverdi Ici

Monteverdi Ici by Laure Prouvost is a non-narrative video work that depicts the back of the artist’s naked body standing, with her back towards the camera in a field. Her bare arms gesture outwards and forwards, as if her movements are influencing the wild flowers billowing in the foreground. Alternating between the artist’s body and imagery of leaves, flowers, cats, and caterpillars, Prouvost speaks directly to the viewer, stating: “The world behind that field would be here, the world would enter through here”. The film focuses on tactility and the texture of the woman’s skin, depicted through the fragmented shots of her body. Partially shot while the artist attended a residency in Monteverdi, Italy in the summer of 2017, this work is a thoughtful and serene meditation on nature the body, and idealism.