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Edie Fake
Personal Business

Related to Edie Fake’s Memory Palaces series — reimagined facades of urban lesbian bars and gay nightclubs — Personal Business draws an association between architecture and the body, with ornamental structures that are decorative and protective. Fake notes, “More and more I’m trying to bring an anarchy into that architecture, or a fantasy and ecstasy of what queer space is and can be.” A beautiful building that’s defended by an imposing front. In this way, the architecture becomes a metaphor for the constructed layers of the self. According to Fake this drawing is “very much influenced by Los Angeles, where fascinating and flamboyant buildings are often fenced, walled, or otherwise made unwelcoming. I was thinking about queer intimacy and “private social clubs”, breezeway bricks, peeking at things, boundaries, as well as the inability to truly hide one’s self.”

Edie Fake’s paintings start as self-portraits, referencing elements of the trans and non-binary body through pattern, color and architectural metaphor. He is known for his work with alternative comics, including an award winning series Gaylord Phoenix and as co-founder of CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo), and more recently for vivid gouache and ink paintings, murals and architectural installations. His precise, intimately scaled, gouache-and-ink paintings on panel or paper are structural representations of the physical aspects of transition and adaptation as well as mental and sexual health.