Jesse Krimes

Raybrook by Jesse Krimes takes its name from The Federal Correctional Institution, Ray Brook (FCI Ray Brook), a medium-security United States federal prison for male inmates located in Essex County, NY. In addition to its indexical title, this quilt-work tapestry is made from personal clothing and other like articles the artist was given by currently, and formerly incarcerated persons. It is part of a larger series of works called the Elegy Quilts, which illustrate domestic scenes inspired by conversations the artist has had with the individuals these fabrics were acquired from. While Raybrook, and each of the Elegy Quilts, poetically depict constructed memories of a “home” long lost by those forcibly removed from their own, the artwork also features an empty chair to signify a multitude of implied sitters whose self and identity were erased by the oppressive penal system, as well as being a symbol for those who have died in custody.