Cao Fei
RMB City: A Second Life City Planning 04

Since 2007, Cao Feihas radically focused her work on Second Life, an online space that virtually mimics ‘the real world’ and includes everything from the expression of ideas to economic investment. In the body of work titled RMB City Cao Fei creates a virtual city through the platform Second Life as a vehicle to express ideas that relate to modernization, capitalism, and consumer culture. One aspect of this project, RMB City: A Second Life City Planning 04 is part of a larger series of prints featuring digitally composed images from Cao’s video work of the same name. Referring to China’s modernization and its capitalist and utopian visions, RMB City: A Second Life City Planning 04 explores the ways in which global communication impacts imagination, values, and ways of life. For Cao, the digital world is an expression of our human condition, and as such, an avenue to reflect on these emerging forms of social consciousness. By appropriating virtual reality, Cao opens up a new frontier in the field of art production that surpasses conventional materiality and invites collaboration and exchanges with her public and clients.