Allan deSouza
Rumpty Trumpty

For the photographic series Rumpty Trumpty, in 1997, Allan deSouza photographed the Trump Taj Casino in Atlantic City, NJ, reprinting the images again in 2017, from digital scans of the negatives. These negatives bear the traces of extensive damage wrought over time. These dust damaged and scratched prints appear as aged and out of date as the orientalist fantasy that they depict. The images Rumpty Trumpty #5, #6 and #7 are of one of Trump’s failed business projects, a huge casino opened in 1990 and closed in 2016 following worker strikes demanding payment. In an absurd twist, Trump the individual sued Trump the company in order to clear his name, and the building is now called Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Built for $1.2 milion, the site sold for 4 cents on the dollar.