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Cally Spooner
Self Tracking (the five stages of grief)

The installation Self Tracking (the five stages of grief) by Cally Spooner was realized from a performance that is to be re-activated. One of the rows in the piece corresponds to the artist’s metabolism data, another to the artist’s ranking data in Artfacts.net and the data of the World Trusted Currency Authority on the exchange rate of the pound sterling against the euro between 2012 and 2016. There is an interposing orange line, a trace of self-tanning lotion that signals the presence of the body. This piece represents the identity of the artist from analytical data. She is simultaneously defined by purely physiological data, then by Artfacts.net, then reduced to financial indicators, then situated in the global economic context. The presence of the body with the self-tanning lotion allows for the creation of a fragile counterpoint that locks the individual into pre-established norms.

The work of Cally Spooner (b. 1983, based in London) includes essays, multimedia installations, and performances. She studied philosophy after studying dance and theater for several years. The body, and gesture become devices for transcribing the domain of language and theory. The artist insists that production must be in perpetual evolution, through architecture, a museum and the bodies of the interpreters. This process creates an extra form, and leaves the work open. She always establishes a distance from the historical practice of performance. This is the distance in the sense that she doesn’t participate in the performances, but directs them. Bodies are the interpreters of her ideas. She inscribes her practice in the consciousness of institutions, organizations and industries that have the power to organize our thoughts and that provides us with modes of expression and shapes our emotions and feelings.