f. marquespenteado
Storyboard Jonas

f. marquespenteado’s Storyboard Jonas is an intricate and multi-layered artwork that blends narrative storytelling with visual art. The collage work is composed of detailed illustrations and mixed-media elements arranged in a storyboard format, depicting the life and experiences of a character named Jonas, based on an adventurous but elusive photographer that the artist once loved. Gathering together landscapes, brochures for exotic hotels, aerial photographs, and book covers that are evocative of Jonas. The meticulous arrangement of scenes draws viewers into Jonas’s world, offering glimpses into personal moments, memories, and dreams. This narrative structure allows the artist to explore themes of identity, memory, and the passage of time. The juxtaposition of different materials and techniques—such as embroidery, drawing, and collage—reflects the complexity of Jonas’s story and the multifaceted nature of human experience. Through this work, marquespenteado not only showcases his technical prowess but also invites viewers to consider the interconnectedness of individual moments and the broader tapestry of life.