Kiripi Katembo
Survivre, from the series Un regard

Un regard, Kiripi Katembo’s first photographic series, came about by accident. Confronted with the hostility of local people to the camera lens, Kiripi Katembo used the reflections of puddles instead. Through the reflections of stagnant puddles, he seeks to illustrate another reality in Kinshasa than the overly-documented one of ubiquitous disorganization and chaos. This particular image, titled Survivre, depicts a child navigating a scene only visually demarcated in silhouette form. What captures the artist’s attention in this composition is the conscious or unconscious urban installation of the population. This gives rise to landscapes inhabited by shadows and objects, inviting the viewer to imagine stories of this sublimated everyday life. The titles of Katembo’s photographs in the series evoke the preoccupations, violent and real, of the people of Kinshasa. The phonetic poetry of Errer, Subir, and Tenir sound like injunctions to the people of Kinshasa from an artist who dedicated his youth and ideals to promoting his country’s culture.