rafa esparza
thanks for staying alive Fern.1994

thanks for staying alive Fern.1994 by rafa esparza is from a body of work that pays homage to youth culture in the 90s. The work is based on the popularity of mid-90s era Star Shots photographs, which usually featured graphic backgrounds and highly glamorized subjects wearing heavy makeup, matching outfits, perfectly coiffed hair, and dramatic expressions. In Los Angeles, esparza remembers many Black and Brown youths going to the mall (where many Star Shots photo studios were located) to circulate the photos with personal messages written on the back. In this sense, the photos functioned as a pre-Instagram form of self-representation.
At the same time, the War on Drugs was ramping up in Los Angeles, firmly establishing the school-to-prison pipeline as a reality for many young people in the city. In this work, esparza reflects on that politically charged moment, and how many people were taken from his life and community due to police brutality, gang violence, and imprisonment. With thanks for staying alive Fern.1994, which is based on a real Star Shots photo of esparza’s older brother Fern, and other works from the series, the artist chooses to focus on how young people wanted to portray themselves and to celebrate that mode of self-expression. By leaving the skin hues unpainted, using just the raw adobe surface for color, esparza’s portrait series redresses the concentration on whiteness in contemporary art spaces and art history more generally.