Emmanuel van der Auwera
The Death of K9 Cigo

Emmanuel van der Auwera visited Miami at the end of 2017 and was working on a project relating to school shootings. Two months later, on 14 February 2018, 19 year old Nicolas Cruz killed 17 people and injured 17 others in a shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Van de Auwera began to follow videos uploaded to the Periscope App, a live broadcasting channel that closed in March 2021, downloading them and creating a bank of data that would otherwise disappear, as material on Periscope was self-deleting after a short period of time. After doing this for a year he began to edit the videos into what seems like a seamless film about gun crime, its impact on a community, the varying attitudes to gun violence in the US (Miami specifically), the politicization of the concept of freedom, and the way in which sentiment can help to cover up dysfunctionality. In the artist’s video, titled The Death of K9 Cigo, the America that van der Auwera highlights is one where the shooting of a police dog seems to be a bigger and more emotional event than the murder of 17 children. While the massacre was only in the conventional news for a few days, it remained a topic in people’s lives and on Periscope for more than a year. The film captures the intimacy of moments in people’s lives, their selfie confessions, their fears and sadness, and their strategies for dealing with ruptures. The film’s point of view is that of an intruder attempting to reconstruct a narrative and a context for crime, using video fragments to create a sense of urgency. The scenes are raw, moving, funny, personal, and authentic; the kind of material that is excluded from media coverage, but to which the internet gives agency.