Kota Ezawa
The Simpson Verdict
The Simpson Verdict is a three-minute animation by Kota Ezawa that portrays the reading of the verdict during the OJ Simpson trial, known as the “most publicized” criminal trial in history. In 1995, OJ Simpson—a well-known American football player—was accused of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. Based on the courtroom footage, Ezawa uses his signature style to create an abstract and graphically simplified echo of what happened in the room. This re-enactment reflects the uncanny feeling of the trial footage, which was depicted solely through fixed close-up recordings (there was only one camera allowed in the courtroom).
Zeroing in on the facial expressions of Simpson and his lawyers, Ezawa makes use of simple facial gestures, such as the movement of eyes and eyebrows, to highlight the emotional intensity of the moment. These expressions are minimal, due in part to the limitations of the artist’s animation technique. As the artist subtracts other visual cues, the most obvious way to distinguish people becomes their skin color, leaving the viewer with a comment on the racial implications of the trial and the unreliable nature of the verdict.