Imran Qureshi
This Day

At first glance, This Day by Imran Qureshi appears to be an energetic, gestural painting reminiscent of Action Painting from the mid-20th century. But upon closer inspection, highly detailed floral elements reveal themselves amongst the bold red brushstrokes. The botanical motifs in Qureshi’s work represent life and regeneration while the red paint refers to death and mortality. For the artist, the color red alludes to the ongoing violence and conflict occurring in Pakistan and around the world. The delicately illustrated flowers signify the unwavering hope that people sustain, despite hardship and adversity. Navigating a series of dualities—life and death, beauty and horror, order and chaos, violence and peace—the work articulates that contradiction is inherent to daily life, especially in a country experiencing conflict on a massive scale. Striking a balance between these opposing yet inextricably linked forces, Qureshi’s work employs traditional techniques and symbols to critically reflect on what it means to live in present-day Pakistan.