Vivian Suter

Vivian Suter paints her canvases and then allows them to come in contact with natural elements. For thirty years she has lived in isolation in the Guatemalan jungle, accumulating canvases, sometimes leaving them out for long periods of time. As a result, Suter does not title or date her paintings.Typically, she leaves the unprimed canvas outdoors on stretchers to absorb the traces of fallen leaves, rain, water, dirt, passing animals, and the marks of her dogs, imprinting the daily life of the Guatemalan jungle onto the surface of each work. In the details of the work, the traces of both brush marks and what may be rivulets of water from rain are present. When the paintings are ‘finished’, she takes them off of the stretchers.
Suter always presents her paintings unstretched, often hung from racks or from the ceiling, but also pinned to the wall, creating atmospheric environments that are layered, like the jungle, where one plant is seen through another. She draws her inspiration from the lush vegetation, vibrant flowers, birds, and the constantly changing weather of her tropical habitat. Her abstract paintings do not refer to specific flora, but evoke the living energy of the jungle with their swaths of color, gestural brushstrokes, and organic motifs. While this particular painting may seem to suggest a view through a window, Suter’s work rarely describes specific spaces, but rather tracks the performance of acts of nature. Each painting is a palimpsest, depicting the accretion of time.