John Houck
Untitled #275_06, 2 colors, #FF8F89, #9E7A8F

John Houck’s Untitled #275_06, 2 colors, #FF8F89, #9E7A8F is a captivating exploration of digital and physical processes. The artwork takes a pair of colors from the hexadecimal color matrix arranged into a gridded index sheet. Part of Houck’s Aggregates Series, this work involves a repetitive cycle of printing, folding, re-photographing, and re-printing; building layers of digital input and physical manipulation.The systematic use of colors #FF8F89 and #9E7A8F evokes a harmonious yet contrasting visual experience, emphasizing the interplay between the digital color matrix and the tactile qualities of paper. Through this process, Houck transforms a simple color grid into a complex, textured surface, where each layer signifies both digital precision and the physical act of manipulation. The artwork blurs the lines between digital creation and handcrafted artistry, challenging viewers to consider the relationships between technology, materiality, and the accumulation of visual data over time.