Carlos Amorales
Useless Wonder

The animation for Useless Wonder is composed of digital vector drawings drawn from the artist’s image archive. Figurative and abstract silhouetted motifs, in a palette of red, black and white, are combined to create a world of fantasy rich in dream, horror, and plastic potential. The graphic imagery contains animals, humans, nature, mythological figures, constantly morphing into one another in an intoxicating depiction of chaos and order. The world is represented in a constant state of flux and the soundtrack heightens a threatening atmosphere.This work was based on the 1838 novel by Edgar Allan Poe, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, recounting a sea voyage. Poe was famous for his interest in cryptography and pictograms which must have captured Amorales’ imagination.The other screen features a world map disassembling and reassembling, between geological catastrophe and formation, in accordance with the apocalyptic title.