Eden Tinto Collins
WOMXN, The Nightmare Of You Know Who

Co-directed by Eden Tinto Collins and French musician Gystère WOMXN, The Nightmare Of You Know Who centers on a “super she-ro” called Womxn (aka Jane Dark), performed by Tinto Collins. Womxn is a post-feminist, gender-ambiguous, afro-futurist, trans-human hybrid. This short film is an intervention into the contentious scenario of police harassing young Black people under the pretense of stopping them for inspection. With grace, speed, and laughter, Womxn intervenes in the imminent police killing of a young black boy by disarming the officer with her laser beam eyes and the assistance of a space-dolphin sidekick, who ultimately saves the young boy’s life. Throughout the video, Gystère’s music pays homage to the legendary jazz musician Sun Ra, and his ‘cosmic’ philosophy, who was similarly known for his campy theatrical performances and kaleidoscopic costuming. The work is both a tribute to and memorial for the families of Black people murdered by police, but it also presents the opportunity for a different future. The nostalgic aesthetic recollects Black power in its most activist mode, and futuristic connections to super human powers, and outer space. Womxn seeks new poetically rich futures, infused with corrective politics and a playful spirit. They find joy despite (and without ignoring) the horrors of police violence.