Artur Zmijewski

Zeppelintribüne by Artur Zmijewski was shot near the Zeppelintribune in Nuremberg, designed by Albert Speer, chief architect of the Third Reich. The 360-meter-long structure is part of a larger architectural complex called the Zeppelinfeld, which the National Socialist used for their marches and rallies. The Zeppelintribune was immortalized in the Leni Reifenstahl’s film-propaganda masterpiece the Triumph of the Will, a record of a 1934 Nazi Party rally. The Zeppeltribune was destroyed by degrees, beginning as early as 1945, when the Americans, who held a victory parade there, blew up a large swastika on the roof. In the 60s, the columns and side-reinforcement were removed, further stripping the ruin of embarrassing architectural allusions to the past. Zmijewski thought of it as a place of pilgrimage for tourists, also as a neglected and dirty place in Germany. In this work, he alludes to how the nation inadvertently works in solidarity to destroy the past. The film features fragments of fascist newsreels from the 1930s, mixed with Zmijewski’s own footage of a pair of Turkish artists in residence in Germany, dubbed the Arbeitsmänner (“workmen”). Shovel in hand, the artists parade around with spades in front of the tribune, parodying the military drill ritual leaving us with a film about impersonation and memory, memory so perverse that it persuades tourists to raise their hand in the gesture of the Nazi salute.